A social network is central to the services LACL-PLAN  provides. The network is composed of caring people who work along with family members to assist the person with a disability to develop relationships and opportunities to live a full and meaningful life.

A LACL-PLAN facilitator is contracted to organize and facilitate the development of a circle of support. The LACL-PLAN facilitator assists in identifying the goals and dreams of the individual with a disability and in securing the participation and commitment of members of the network. LACL-PLAN monitors, supports, and maintains the network and invites new members as required.

PLAN Lethbridge facilitators will be recruited by:

  1. A posting advertising the position.
  2. Those who reply to the posting will be invited to attend a facilitator’s interview session. This is not a competition, as LACL-PLAN requires facilitators on an ongoing basis. Rather, this is an opportunity to assess your compatibility with LACL-PLAN.
  3. You may be invited to a second group session, which will take place after interested facilitators have responded to the Network Coordinator. At this time information regarding LACL-PLAN (history, core values traditions and guiding principles, vision, beliefs and mission), introduction to “relationships” and a discussion with regards to exploring, forming and maintenance of networks, roles and responsibilities of facilitators will be discussed. A third session may be necessary for training purposes.

The Network Coordinator will respond to interested parties and those who have been accepted, and have attended all three sessions will have their names and contact information on file. Once a suitable family match has been identified the interested facilitator will be contacted.

Facilitator’s “Job Description”

The core function of a Facilitator is to assist LACL-PLAN in the development of social networks for the relatives of its members.

Standards of performance are as follows:

  1. Will work with families and their communities to form a core group of people committed to being a part of the person at the center of the network’s life in order to provide an advocacy and monitoring network around an individual.
  2. Will establish and maintain effective working relationships with families, focus person, network members and LACL-PLAN staff.

Details of Function

  1. Meet with families and focus person to determine:
    1. Who the person is; what his/her dreams, interests, strengths, gifts and abilities, future wishes and current needs are
    2. Effective strategies for network building. This will include:
      1. Identifying people within community with common interests and others who may be interested in being potential network members.
      2. Inviting people to participate
      3. Spending time with family and person at the center of the network.
  2. Oversee recruitment, development and the activities of social networks in the least obtrusive manner possible. This includes:
    • Facilitating network meetings, communications and celebrations
    • Provide follow-up correspondence and telephone calls as necessary
  3. Act as resource to establish social networks. This includes:
    1. Contacting the focus person and their families regularly and ensuring meetings are taking place and that the membership is stable; identifying potential sources of support for group members, i.e. training, resource people
    2. Be available to discuss concerns of members.
  4. Maintain and update record; attend facilitators meetings and keep up to date on the principles and techniques of personal support.
  5. Celebrate the power of the network by sharing stories with others.